Mike Burnes "Prepping For The Open Season"

It's that time of year again, Open Season! A new year, a clean slate, a chance to once again test our fitness.
There are many reasons to participate in The Open. At CrossFit Rail Trail it's all about challenging yourself, stepping out of your comfort zone and having some fun with your fellow members. We have all kinds of athletes at CFRT. From those who come in a few days a week for better health, the diehards who hate to miss a single day to our competitors who choose to spend their weekends traveling to different competitions and events. No matter which type of CrossFit athlete they are, all have been training all year for The Open.
We have a new unique style of daily programming at Rail Trail that includes "Open Prep". For those athletes who really want to focus on competing in the open we include a daily skill session that focuses on movements we are likely to see each year in the open WODs. Muscle ups, double unders, toe to bar etc. Of course we can probably expect to see some Olympic lifts as well so extra percentage work on all lifts is included.
The greatest part about The Open is watching our members crush goals and do things they never thought possible. Last year we saw many "firsts" and we are really looking forward to seeing it all again this year. Here we go!
Mike Burnes was the first coach that got me excited to do the Ooen in my first year of CrossFit. I think of him every year I Sign up for it.
What I love about the Open is how much I improve every year.
I also like to see how I compare with woman my age in my Region & around the world.
Thanks Mike for all your excitement. I spread the word to all the new Crossfitters I know.